Thursday, April 10, 2008

OK, I Squeezed in a Bit More!

Hee hee, what can I say? When the sewing mojo is flowing, you've got to run with it! I was quite anxious to get the skirt seamed because of the extreme fraying.

I finished the back pleat and seamed the skirt back and side pieces. The details on these vintage dresses is what attracts me to them. I was a bit circumspect about how the silk would handle being folded, stitched and then stitched at the top of the pleat place. The pattern piece shows the pleat fold line and the stitching.

Thankfully, it stitched beautifully. The organza really does the trick. Without it, the sari silk would be extremely difficult to manage, and I can't imagine what state the seams would be in. On the seams, I used an overcast stitch.
The pieces are now hanging on Doris waiting for me to return. I'm happy to go away, feeling like I've not neglected my project!

Back pleat (left) and
pieces hanging on Doris:
Back - skirt darts (below left), Front (below right).


Paula Gardner said...

Your dress is going to be amazing!

Bunny said...

Wow! I can't wait to see this dress completed. It will be gorgeous, thats for sure.